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Is Alivev Aware That Azerbaijan Undertook To Settle Karabakh Issue P


25.12.2006 13:46 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ "In the interview with Echo of Moscow Azeri President
Ilham Aliyev puzzled with intrusion into an unexpected field. No,
it’s not Nagorno Karabakh. This issue was more or less expected,
since he makes promises of the kind every month," OSCE Minsk Group
Russian Co-chair in 1994-1996 Vladimir Kazimirov told a PanARMENIAN.Net

In his words, lamenting over deficit of gas in Azerbaijan the President
uttered a reproach: it’s not good, he said, to use the deficit for
raising prices for Russian gas. "Apparently, it’s pleasure to use the
others’ gas years even not at half price but for peanuts during 15
years. No doubt, it’s a valuable contribution to ethics and aesthetics
– the doctrine of morals and the beautiful!" the diplomat said.

At that Vladimir Kazimirov underscored, "Of course, he could not forget
about Nagorno Karabakh promising to fight for the region "even by use
of force." "This is our land, our territory", the Azeri President said.

Here you will not find either ethic or aesthetics.

It’s a recurrent show. Has the President ever heard that his state at
the times of his predecessor undertook before the OSCE, Council of
Europe and other international organizations to settle the conflict
peacefully? Certainly the son doesn’t have to be held responsible for
his father (even on the eve of his birthday) but the matter doesn’t
concern leaders of states and moreover a national leader. Here
responsibility should be taken for all in all.

If there are no more persuasive arguments there remains nothing but
to proclaim "everything is ours."

However, Nagorno Karabakh became a "disputable territory" long ago,
from the times of the League of Nations and republics in Armenia
and Azerbaijan during the period of 1918-20. The Caucasus Bureau of
the Russian Communist Party also tossed about in 1921," the Russian
diplomat said.

He also reminded that "NK is not an uninhabited territory. People
lived and live there. And they are not Azeris only. "They say, the
Tsar settled Armenians there. However, how could he change demographic
situation there? In early 20th century Azeris, despite high birth
rate, made the minority. In short, it’s a matter for consideration
and talks but not for threats to launch new bloodshed. By the way,
Europe keeps silent. When Armenians of Karabakh two weeks ago held
a peaceful vote on the Day of Human Rights some sterile European
figures stirred up a noise.

Nevertheless, when the leader of a state not constrained by obligations
taken by father has again threatened with war – silence was the
answer. Whether Terry Davis and Karel de Gucht do develop European
tolerance or they have just no time for it while enjoying the pleasure
of Catholic Christmas!" Vladimir Kazimirov said.

Mamian George:
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