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The Republican Party Is Not A Power For Geghamyan


[07:04 pm] 08 December, 2006

Someone drops leaflets from the roof of a house. When people gather
them, they see that they are empty. A person explains things, but
even without that everything is clear. This was the example brought
by leader of National Unity Artashes Geghamyan when the journalists
were not active during the Parliament briefings. "It is clear for the
journalists that the country is in a grave situation", he concluded.

He was alarmed by the negative articles about Armenia published in
the Russian press. According to him, one of the articles published
in "Politicheski Class" was to be discussed during the summit of the
CIS country heads and a note of complaint was to be sent. The leader
of the National Unity is convinced that a change of authorities is
inevitable as our country can no more live this way.

As for supporting the idea of sending peace-keepers to Iraq,
Mr. Geghamyan does not think that it is a fact proving that his party
does not oppose Serge Sargsyan.

"If you were an analyst, you would analyze the report of the Defense
Minister and my statements and compare them in order to see who was
more persuasive", Artashes Geghamyan told the journalists.

By the way, he announced that they do not have political rivals among
those powers which try to be re-elected during the 2007 elections,
"as all of them are criminal groupings" except the ARF Dashnaktsutyun.

According to Geghamyan, the Republican party ceased to be a political
power when Serge Sargsyan became the head of its council.

Karapetian Hovik:
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