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What They Want From Us


20 Oct 06

Putting aside the veil of diplomatic oratory, the orientation of
Russia in South Caucasus issues is the following: Georgia isn’t a
united state, the Georgians aren’t a united nation, and consequently we
should do our best to separate that country. As you, Armenians, want to
separate Azerbaijan, you should help us to separate Georgia. Certainly
Putin and Lavrov don’t sound such orientation but what the sober
people think, Konstatin Zatulin and Andranik Mihranian say.

If Russia expects an "equal" attitude from Armenia in Karabakh,
Abkhazia, and South Osia conflicts, that country must have the same
equal approach. But it isn’t so in reality. The RF declares about
Abkhazia and S. Osia: if Georgia wants to settle that conflict by force
we’ll defend our citizens. First of all Russia gave its passports
to the populations of this region for launching military actions in
the territory of other country. Russia says about Karabakh conflict:
Russia’s position isn’t different from the position of OSCE Minsk Group
other cochairmen’s countries /U.S. and France/. It is understandable
but not justified why Russia wants us to worsen our relations with
our neighbors.

RF is ready to assist in independence of S. Osia and Abkhazia, as
Georgia is out of its influence. Russia is interested in keeping status
quo in NK conflict, as it is the only lever to keep Azerbaijan under
its influence. The U.S. and Europe are also interested in keeping
the current situation for different reasons. In addition to it the
similar interests of our and Azeri leaders make us understand why
the conflict isn’t settled.

Aram Abrahamian

Zakarian Garnik:
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