Categories: News

Sack Her Mayor

by Paula Maud

Hume Moreland Leader (Australia)
May 24, 2006 Wednesday
HOV Edition

MAYOR Adem Atmaca is calling for a State Government MP to stand down
or lose her position as parliamentary secretary after an inflammatory
attack on Turkey last week.

Jika Jika MP Jenny Mikakos stirred up ethnic divisions within the Labor
Party and the community when she called on the Turkish Government to
acknowledge crimes against Pontic Greeks earlier last century.

Greek-background Ms Mikakos told parliament that more than 353,000
Greeks, 1.5 million Armenians and 750,000 Assyrians died when Turkish
nationalists embraced a “Turkey for the Turks” policy between 1916
and 1923.

“Unlike Germany which has taken responsibility for the Jewish
Holocaust, Turkey has never apologised to its victims,” she said.

Speaking after returning from the Anzac Day ceremony in Gallipoli, Cr
Atmaca said Ms Mikakos should be working in the interests of Victorians
and not other foreign governments. Cr Atmaca, of Turkish background,
said there was no need for hate speeches in parliament and voters in
Jika Jika should ask themselves how Ms Mikakos was serving them by
bringing this subject up.

Cr Atmaca said he would say the same regardless of what ethnic group
was being “attacked”.

“Politicians should be showing that living in harmony is in the best
interests of Victorians,” Cr Atmaca said.

Ms Mikakos did not respond to the Leader’s calls about her speech.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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