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BAKU: Terry Davis: “I Have Sympathy To Azerbaijan”


Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
April 12 2006

“Azerbaijan and Armenia has undertaken the same obligations for the
settlement of the conflict. As concerns for Council of Europe’s work
to solve the problem, to accept the membership the both states to
the organization is priority.” Council of Europe Secretary General
Terry Davis has said it in his exclusive statement.

The State Secretary has stated that, if Azerbaijan chose military
way for settling the conflict, it might be violation of obligations
undertaken by Azerbaijan before Council of Europe: “I am sure that
Azerbaijan will fulfill the obligations. If it does not follow the
obligations Azerbaijan will face with hardships.” Touching on the
issue of secret detention places he does not believe there is any fact
like that with regard to Azerbaijan: “I do not have any information
about that. Simply I can tell you that like other countries I have
asked Azerbaijan government to reply the questionnaire of Council of
Europe related to this matter.

Azerbaijani part is obliged to reply it. Because it is within the
obligations. I do not believe President Ilham Aliyev lets violation
of these obligations.” As to the opinion of the Secretary General
delegation of the both country in PACE should reflect political
context of the parliament. The number of opposition deputies should
be proportional with delegation. Terry Davis said that not existence
of the USA representation here is linked with reorganization of
the representation: “This will give a chance to effective work of
our bureau in Baku .The decision has been made. I will appoint my
representative in a short period of time. I will focus attention on two
issues during the appointment. First of all, our representative office
in Azerbaijan should be a model for our offices in other countries
for its effectiveness. Secondly, as I have sympathy to Azerbaijan, our
office in the country should function effectively. I attach much more
attention to this country as the CE office in Azerbaijan is vacant.”

Kalantarian Kevo:
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