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Everyone speaks of what he wants


| 20:09:09 | 21-06-2005 | Politics |


During the recent several days the Azeri press has been spreading
information that the issue of unblocking the roads was as well discussed by
the Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs. The matter concerns the road connecting
Nakhivachan with Azerbaijan through the Syunik region and the Lachin highway
connecting Armenia with Karabakh.

When responding to the question `What is your reaction to the Azerbaijani
claim that a connecting road was discussed during the most recent meeting in
Paris of the foreign ministers with the co-chairs?’ Foreign Ministry
Spokesman Hamlet Gasparyan said, `First, in the negotiation process, each
side has the right to talk about any subject. But when one side introduces
or talks about a topic, any topic, that doesn’t mean that the topic is
automatically on the agenda, nor that there is any, even preliminary
agreement on that topic.

Second, Armenia’s position on these matters is very clear. The primary
matter is the status of Nagorno Karabakh, and until there is clarity and
agreement on that matter, it is premature to speak about any other issue.’

Jalatian Sonya:
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