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No New Proposals Expected


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
01 June 05

As the radio channel “Liberty” informed, the president of
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic Arkady Ghukassian stated that no new
proposals are expected from the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. “All the
possible variants are on the table. The process continues. The sides
need to become mature, first of all Azerbaijan,” mentioned Arkady
Ghukassian. He also excluded the possibility of consideration of the 7
areas adjacent to Nagorno Karabakh in the talks. “This is not a serious
approach because the issue of the areas cannot be considered outside
the whole context. We base the talks on the issue of status, while the
Azerbaijanis – on the issue of territory. The two points do not fit,
and I cannot tell when they will fit,” said the president of NKR,
asserting his belief that the problem must be solved through talks.


Felekian Ara:
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