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Charles Aznavour visits French University of Armenia



YEREVAN, MAY 27, ARMENPRESS: The famous French Armenian singer Charles
Aznavour was welcomed today by students and professors of the French
University of Armenia together with France’s ambassador in Yerevan Henry
Cuny, the University Rector Paul Russe and other dignitaries.
Aznavour took a stroll in the University and then joined students and
journalists for a group photo. Aznavour arrived in Yerevan yesterday
evening. Today he traveled to the village of Hartavan in Aragatsotn province
to attend the inauguration of a reconstructed drinking water pipeline and
later in the day he will attend the presentation of the Armenian edition of
his latest book, called The Past Days.
The drinking water pipeline reconstruction was implemented within the
frameworks of the Second Credit Program of the World Bank, the Armenian
Social Investments Fund in cooperation with Aznavour pour l’Armenie charity
organization (funding was provided by the World Bank and the French Ministry
of Foreign Affairs).
In the past Hartavan was supplied with drinking water from a spring
called Ambarlu near the village of Kuchak. The pipeline was built in 1960.
With the growing population of Kuchak, the amount of water flowing to
Hartavan had reduced and water to Hartavan was supplied from springs on the
slopes of Tsakhkunyats Mountain. However, the amount of the supplied water
was far from sufficient to meet the villagers’ needs.
A project of the Armenian Social Investments Fund rehabilitated the
deteriorated water catchment basin and built another one. The Fund has also
built a 2-km long new water pipeline, internal networks pipes and hatches.
Under the Second Credit Program funded by the World Bank, the Armenian
Social Investment Fund has already accomplished 224 community programs;
another 86 programs are in the process of construction.
The 81-year-old singer is also expected to join thousands of Armenians
for a May 28 circle dance around Mount Aragats and the next day he will make
a trip to Georgian Akhaltsikhe, the native town of his parents. Also
President Kocharian decorated today the outstanding French-Armenian singer
Charles Aznavour with Armenia’s highest medal-the Medal of Homeland, saying
it was another assurance of Armenians’ love and gratitude.
Aznavour in turn handed to Kocharian an old Armenian manuscript which he
had bought at an auction.
Then Kocharian and Aznavour spoke about Armenia’s economic achievements,
ties between Armenia and its vast Diaspora and cultural issues. Aznavour was
quoted by Kocharian’s press office as saying that he was greatly impressed
by extensive improvements he saw in Yerevan.

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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