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Talvitie: Three South Caucasian countries of equal…..


Pan Armenian News
05.05.2005 07:24

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The three South Caucasian countries are of equal
significance to the EU, EU Special Representative for the South
Caucasus Heikki Talvitie stated at a joint press conference with
Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian today. In his words,
after “the rose revolution” in Georgia the EU paid more attention
to that country to restore the infrastructure and democracy. The EU
Special Representative stated that the program of actions aimed at
intensification of the relations between Armenia and the EU within the
Wider Europe: New Neighbors Program should be worked out before the end
of 2005. As noted by Talvitie, after all the three South Caucasian
countries present the programs, as well as within the framework
of direct implementation of the program, an individual approach
will be applied to each of those countries. Answering a question
whether Armenia’s participation in the EU program may develop into
accession to the EU, Talvitie noted that Neighborhood program does
not provide for accession of the South Caucasian states to the EU,
however it does not deny this opportunity. Talvitie informed that
after the plan of actions is ready Armenia and the EU will sign an
agreement that will start implementation of the European policy of
New Neighborhood. In his turn, Armenian FM Vartan Oskanian noted
that the Neighborhood policy «is not a promise to enter the EU but
a prospect.» Talvitie also appreciated the level of democracy in
Armenia, as well as positively evaluated the process of reforms of
the Constitution and the Electoral Code.


Karakhanian Suren:
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