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ANKARA: Turkish General Staff says Ottomans “relocated” 413,000

Turkish General Staff says Ottomans “relocated” 413,000 Armenians

Anatolia news agency
1 May 05


Documents issued by General Staff refute the allegations of the
Armenian Diaspora that around 1.5m Armenians were killed during the
period of the Ottoman Empire.

The documents prove that 413,000 of the around 987,000 Armenians
living on the territories of the Ottoman Empire were deported to Syria
and vicinity.

Turkish Institute of History (TTK) Armenian Studies Chairman Prof Dr
Hikmet Ozdemir, referring to arguments over Armenian population,
said:”The notebook which was claimed to have belonged to Talat Pasha
could be belonging to a civil servant assigned in Refugees Commission.

Ozdemir said the notebook definitely did not belong to Talat Pasha,
stating that this notebook said 34, 451 Armenians were relocated from
Aleppo, but that no Armenians were deported from this city.” On the
contrary,” he noted, Aleppo was the region where Armenians were sent.

Ozdemir said documents of the Turkish General Staff put in a chart the
provinces where Armenians were registered.

The General Staff document said total population of the Armenians were
987,569 and that number of Armenians who were relocated was
413,067. [Passage omitted]

Tashjian Arbi:
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