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TEHRAN: Iran’s Armenians mark anniversary of 1915 “mass killing”

Iran’s Armenians mark anniversary of 1915 “mass killing” – agency

Mehr news agency, Tehran
24 Apr 05

Thousands of Armenians in Tehran held their annual rally today [14
April] condemning the mass killing of Armenians by Turks in 1915. The
marchers chanted slogans in support of the Islamic republic and
regarded Iran as the supporter of the oppressed people.

The political correspondent of Mehr News Agency reports: Thousands of
Armenians in Tehran who initially gathered outside the Armenian
Archbishopric Church in Ostad Nejatollahi Street and then marched
towards another church in Jomhuri Street, called on the Turkish
government to accept the responsibility for the 1915 genocide of

The marchers who were carrying portraits of Imam Khomeyni, Eminent
Leader [Ayatollah Khamene’i] and President Khatami, chanted slogans
[praising] the Islamic republic for supporting the oppressed and
condemning the mass killing of Armenians in 1915.

During the rally which was held with a permit from the Interior
Ministry, one of the Armenians who was chanting slogans into a
microphone, said: Armenians are grateful for the hospitality of
Iranians who welcomed them with open arms after the [1915] genocide.

A statement issued this morning by the marchers stressed: The genocide
of Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century, crimes committed by
Nazis in middle of the same century together with the killing of
Muslims in Bosnia and crimes committed by Israel against the oppressed
people of Palestine, are all examples of crimes against humanity and
an indication of a superiority feeling and cruelty of some

The statement stressed: A victory of human conscience over hidden
policies of powerful countries such as America [as published], will
finally force the Turkish government to accept the responsibility, and
it is incumbent to the supporters of human rights to raise their voice
even higher for justice, and it is incumbent upon silent governments
to recognize the [1915] genocide and burnish their conscience. It is
also incumbent to the Turkish government to accept the historical fact
of genocide in order to break the spell of military dictatorship and
be accepted in the world community.

Antonian Lara:
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