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Most Respondents of ACNIS Survey Support “Package” Variant


YEREVAN, APRIL 12, NOYAN TAPAN. A discussion by the results of the
expert and public survey “Artsakh Problem: Unfinished History Lasting
for 17 Years” was held on April 12 in the Armenian Center for National
and International Studies. The survey was conducted among 1900
respondents in all Armenian marzes and Yerevan. 60 people were
interrogated during the expert survey. Most of the experts (71.7%) and
population (61.9%) are discontented or very discontented with the
course of Karabakh settlement negotiations. And most of the experts
(83.3%) and population (51.5%) blame the Armenian authorities for
it. 75% of experts and 72.4% of population are sure that the
negotiations process should be trilateral: Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh
and Azerbaijan should participate in it. None of the experts agrees
with the current negotiations format with participation of Armenia and
Azerbaijan and only 6.9% of population is satisfied with the current
negotiations format. 63.4% of experts considers that Nagorno Karabakh
should be either an independent state or part of Armenia. 84.3% of
population holds the same opinion. 73.3% of experts and 50% of
population believe that some concessions are possible to Azerbaijan on
the part of Armenia in the issue of territories included in the
“security zone” beyond NKR bounds. 66.7% of experts and 50.4% of
pupulation among those who agree to the possibility of concessions
believe that concessions are possible in exchange for the recognition
of NKR independence or its recognition as part of Armenia. So, in
fact, the majority of respondents among the experts and population
supports the political formula “territories in exchange for status,”
i.e. are supporters of the NKR settlement “package” variant. 41.7% of
experts and 39.8% of population agree to the “freezing” of the
conflict and preservation of the status quo. And the relative majority
of respondents among experts and population considers that the final
decision should be made by Nagorno Karabakh people.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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