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Andranik Margarian: Senseless To Speak Of President’s Resignation


09.03.2005 02:54

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ â~@~There is no pressure exerted upon the
President by outer forces presently and such is not expected
in future. Consequently it is senseless to speak about the
Presidentâ~@~Ys resignationâ~@~], Armenian Prime Minister Andranik
Margarian stated. When commenting on the possible collapse of the
ruling coalition, the Prime Minister expressed assurance that there
are no preconditions for it, so it is groundless to create artificial
clamor around this issue. A. Margarian noted that during the period
of the coalition activity no single item of the Memorandum has been
violated. At the same time the Premier stressed that independently
of the positions occupied all the coalition parties are responsible
for the parliamentary activities. As for the statements of the ARF
Dashnaktsutyun and Orinats Yerkir parties on the â~@~joining of
authorities and crimeâ~@~], Andranik Margarian offered the parties
to present him the data available â~@~especially regarding such
kind of unions in the ministries and departments headed by them.â~@~]


Toneyan Mark:
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