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Azeri soldier reported killed in ceasefire breach

Agence France Presse — English
March 2, 2005 Wednesday 5:58 PM GMT

Azeri soldier reported killed in ceasefire breach


One Azeri soldier was killed and one wounded in a ceasefire breach
along the tense line dividing Azerbaijan and Armenian-occupied
territory, Azeri television channels reported Wednesday.

“One soldier was killed and another hospitalized in the aftermath of
a shootout with Armenian forces,” ANS television said in an evening
news bulletin.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in a stalemate over the
ethnic Armenian enclave Nagorno Karabakh ever since they ended
large-scale hostilities with an uneasy ceasefire agreement in 1994.

Armenia controls Karabakh and seven surrounding regions equal to
roughly 14 percent of Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized

Last year six people lost their lives in ceasefire breaches while an
additional 13 people were killed and 21 injured on landmines around

Kafian Jirair:
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