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State TV Company “Rossia” To Touch Upon Theme Of Genocide Of Armenia


YEREVAN, DECEMBER 20. ARMINFO. The Russian Cultural Fund and Rossia
State TV Channel in association with the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation’s (ARF) Moscow office, have produced a documentary called
“Who Had Paid Lenin?”

ARMINFO was informed in the press office of ARF Dashnaktsutiun, the
Russian Cultural Fund and Rossia State TV Channel in association with
the Armenian Revolutionary Federation’s (ARF) Moscow office, have
produced a documentary called “Who Had Paid Lenin?” The documentary
tells the truth about the 1917 October coup. Based on rich documentary
material, the film shows for the first time that the Bolsheviks seized
the power using Kaiser Germany’s funding under the plan offered
by Parvus. The fact is that the October coup was the result of the
cooperation between Parvus and Lenin.

As a reward for the assistance to seize the power, the Bolsheviks
signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Germany, getting out of the war
and making vast concessions to Germany and its allies.

In the film, ARF Bureau member and Armenian National Assembly vice
speaker Vahan Hovhannisian speaks of the October coup impact on the
fate of the Armenian people. He speaks of the devastating consequences
the Bolshevik coup for the Armenians. By the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, not
only the Russian troops — so close to a victory — were withdrawn
from Western Armenia, but also the Kars and Ardahan regions of
Eastern Armenia were surrendered to Turkey. Once again, the Armenian
people, who had been subjected to a genocide, faced a threat of being
massacred. Later on, the concessions made by the Bolshevik government
to Turkey, were sustained in the 1921 Moscow and Kars treaties. Also,
the film contains documentary footage of the Genocide.

“Who Had Paid Lenin?” will debut on the Rossia Channel no December
22 at 11:35 p.m. Moscow time.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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