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Bangladesh, Haiti at bottom in global corruption chart

Agence France Presse — English
October 20, 2004 Wednesday 8:31 AM GMT

Bangladesh, Haiti at bottom in global corruption chart


A global corruption index released Wednesday by graft watchdog
Transparency International highlights countries perceived by business
leaders, academics and risk analysts to be the least and most

The index lists countries in terms of the degree to which corruption
is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians.

Following are the top 101 countries and the bottom 18, ranked
according to their score out of a possible perfect 10.


1: Finland, 9.7

2: New Zealand, 9.6

3: Denmark, Iceland, 9.5

5: Singapore, 9.3

6: Sweden, 9.2

7: Switzerland, 9.1

8: Norway, 8.9

9: Australia, 8.8

10: Netherlands, 8.7

11: United Kingdom, 8.6

12: Canada, 8.5

13: Austria, Luxembourg 8.4

15: Germany, 8.2

16: Hong Kong, 8.0

17: Belgium, Ireland, USA, 7.5

20: Chile, 7.4

21: Barbados, 7.3

22: France, Spain, 7.1

24: Japan, 6.9

25: Malta, 6.8

26: Israel, 6.4

27: Portugal, 6.3

28: Uruguay 6.2

29: Oman, United Arab Emirates 6.1

31: Botswana, Estonia, Slovenia, 6.0

34: Bahrain, 5.8

35: Taiwan, 5.6

36: Cyprus, 5.4

37: Jordan, 5.3

38: Qatar, 5.2

39: Malaysia, Tunisia, 5.0

41: Costa Rica, 4.9

42: Hungary, Italy, 4.8

44: Kuwait, Lithuania, South Africa, 4.6

47: South Korea, 4.5

48: Seychelles, 4.4

49: Greece, Suriname, 4.3

51: Czech Republic, El Salvador, Trinidad and Tobago, 4.2

54: Bulgaria, Mauritius, Namibia, 4.1

57: Latvia, Slovakia, 4.0

59: Brazil, 3.9

60: Belize, Colombia, 3.8

62: Cuba, Panama, 3.7

64: Ghana, Mexico, Thailand, 3.6

67: Croatia, Peru, Poland, Sri Lanka, 3.5

71: China, Saudia Arabia, Syria, 3.4

74: Belarus, Gabon, Jamaica, 3.3

77: Benin, Egypt, Mali, Morocco, Turkey, 3.2

82: Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Madagascar, 3.1

85: Mongolia, Senegal, 3.0

87: Dominican Republic, Iran, Romania, 2.9

90: Gambia, India, Malawi, Mozambique, Nepal, Russia, Tanzania, 2.8

97: Algeria, Lebanon, Macedonia (FYR), Nicaragua, Serbia and
Montenegro 2.7



129: Cameroon, Iraq, Kenya, Pakistan, 2.1

133: Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Georgia,
Indonesia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, 2.0

140: Azerbaijan, Paraguay, 1.9

142: Chad, Myanmar, 1.7

144: Nigeria 1.6

145: Haiti, Bangladesh 1.5

End of list

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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