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A Letter Of Concern About The Future


A1 Plus | 21:40:55 | 15-10-2004 | Politics |

“During the session of PACE Monitoring Commission a young man was
spreading leaflets in the doorway, by the way, the ones printed in
Armenia. It is disgraceful. Chechens can spread such leaflets against
Russia”. Tigran Torosyan, Armenian Delegation head in PACE made such
a statement a few days ago.

Michael Danielyan, Chairman of Helsinki Association, commenting on
the words of Torosyan said it was an open letter and not a leaflet. “I
wrote an open letter to all the sides interested. I have written that
Jaskernia’s report runs counter to the reality. There are shortcomings,
which can harm the future of Armenia. As a citizen, I am alarmed at
the development of our state and for the future of my children. I
have never hidden that I wrote a letter and there is nothing bad in
that. Our social organizations are set for such activity, but they
don’t do their job. They just pretend to be devoted to the nation. I
love my homeland more and I am anxious for the future of my state”.

We asked Danielyan how he treated the comparison with the Chechens. “It
is good. If the Chechens write such letters, it means they worry for
the future of their country, too”.

Nahapetian Boris:
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