Categories: 2023

Southern California Armenian Democrats Endorse Dr. Riddle for California State Assembly District 41

Oct 26 2023
Published on Thursday, October 26, 2023 | 5:41 am

Dr. Phlunté Riddle announced on Wednesday that the Southern California Armenian Democrats have endorsed her campaign for Assembly District 41.

“Our members enthusiastically endorse Dr. Phlunte Riddle for State Assembly. She is an experienced community leader who has spent her life finding solutions to the most important problems we face. On day one, she will roll up her sleeves to tackle our homelessness and housing crisis, fight to reduce crime, and invest in our schools. Our community can count on her to be our advocate in the State Capitol,” said the Board of Directors of the Southern California Armenian Democrats.

Southern California Armenian Democrats are the first and most prominent Armenian-American Democratic Club in California and the U.S., working in coordination with a network of offices, chapters, and supporters throughout California. SCAD’s goals are to represent the collective Armenian-American viewpoint on matters and policies of the Democratic Party, increase and strengthen the number of Armenian-American Democrats, influence and guide California State policy on matters of interest to the Armenian-American community, and maintain the viability of our free institutions.

Assembly District 41 encompasses several cities and communities in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Riddle spent nearly 30 years serving Pasadena and broke barriers as the first African American female sergeant, lieutenant, and sworn Adjutant to the Chief of Police in the history of the Pasadena Police Department.

“I am honored to have the endorsement of the Southern California Armenian Democrats. Organizations like SCAD are vital to strengthening the civic life of our region. Through their advocacy, they ensure that our neighborhoods are places where everyone can live, work, and raise a family. I look forward to working with them to deliver results for the hard-working people of this community,” stated Dr. Riddle.


Diana Dabaghian: