Categories: 2023

Azerbaijanis shoot at Karabakh residents working in vineyard, work stops

Armenia – March 15 2023

While doing pruning work in the vineyards of the Martuni region of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), three people came under fire from the Azerbaijani military positions, Armenian News-NEWS.am has learned from the Artsakh Police.

"On March 15, at around 11 o'clock, a report was received at the duty unit of the Martuni regional police department that while doing pruning work in the vineyards near the area called ‘Under Khazaz" in the Amaras valley, 3 citizens came under irregular fire being fired by firearms from the adjacent Azerbaijani military positions. As a result of the shootings, agricultural work was stopped. The information about the incident was passed on to the Russian peacekeeping contingent [in Artsakh]. There are no victims," the report says.

Kajoyan Gevork: