Categories: 2021

Mothers of deceased servicemen demand Armenia PM’s resignation

News.am, Armenia
Nov 18 2021

Naira, the mother of serviceman Abgar Nazaryan who fell in the third war in Nagorno-Karabakh, posted a comment on her Facebook page. The comment reads as follows:

“Join us. Don’t keep silent. We are to blame for being indifferent and conforming.

I, Naira Nazaryan, other of eternal hero of the 44-day war in Artsakh Abgar Nazaryan, demand the resignation of scapegrace Nikol Pashinyan, who has seized power in the Republic of Armenia. Under his administration, Armenia has only been defeated, has been humiliated and has sacrificed its young generation. He says he is ready to be executed, if the people decides to execute him.

Let us ‘execute’ the scum inside the country so that he does not transfer Yerablur Military Pantheon and the other pantheons of Armenia to the Turks in the future.”

The parents of eternal heroes of the 44-day war have joined and continue to join this call, and among them is Melanya Aroyan (mother of Aziz Aghajanyan) and Elizaveta Budaghyan (mother of Arman Ohanjanyan).

Tambiyan Samvel: