Categories: 2021

Homenetmen Regional Convention Elects New Executive Board

A scene from last weekend's Homenetmen Regional Convention

The Homenetmen Western U.S. family gathered from November 12 to 14 to convene the organization’s 42nd Regional Convention, during which a new Regional Executive was elected to govern the organization for the upcoming two years.

Delegates representing Homenetmen chapters from across the Western U.S. and invited guests meticulously discussed and evaluated the organization’s activities of the past two years, provided the necessary assessments and adopted resolutions that will guide the newly-elected executive body’s work.

The 42nd Regional Representative Convention elected the following members to the 2021-2023 Regional Executive Board: Hagop Tufenkjian, Sevag Garabetian, Souzi Ohanian, Siran Marselian, Pierre Manoukian, Hrach Galoustian, Talin Ghazarian, Anita Derderian, Roubina Manouchehri, Tamar Kilijian, and Paul Bachkabakian.

The Convention executive met with the newly elected executive board on November 16 for a transfer meeting and supervised the board’s election of officers. The 2021-2023 Regional Executive Board elected the following officers: Chairperson, Hagop Tufenkjian, Vice Chairperson, Sevag Garabetian, Secretary, Souzi Ohanian, Treasurer, Siran Marselian.

Homenetmen Western US Region’s Executive Board said that it is looking forward to the opportunity to lead the region and the community through the course of the next two years, overcoming challenges presented by the pandemic, re-introducing in-person programs and activities such as the 45th Navasartian Games & Festival, the Regional Scouting Jamboree, the 11th Pan-Homenetmen Games and much more.

Karapet Navasardian: