Categories: 2021

Azerbaijan ready to normalize relations with Armenia, sign peace treaty – UN envoy

TASS, Russia
Nov 17 2021
Azerbaijan is certain that there is no alternative to normalization of relations between the two countries, based on mutual recognition, Yasar Aliyev said

UNITED NATIONS, November 17. /TASS/. Baku believes that there is no alternative to normalization of relations with Yerevan, Permanent Representative of Azerbaijan to the UN Yasar Aliyev told the Security Council, stating Baku’s readiness to sign a peace treaty with Armenia.

"Azerbaijan states its readiness to normalize relations with Armenia, including by signing a peace treaty that would ensure a sustainable peace, development, progress," the diplomat said, assessing the situation at the border as a result of Armenia’s "dangerous revanchist ideas."

"Azerbaijan is certain that there is no alternative to normalization of relations between the two countries, based on mutual recognition, respect of each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders," he said, adding that such normalization aims for reconciliation and peaceful coexistence of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

On Tuesday, intensive hostilities sparked in border districts of Armenia’s Syunik Province. Yerevan stated that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces commenced an advance deeper into the republic’s territory, threatening the highway connecting the capital with Armenia’s southern regions and Iran. Baku blamed Yerevan, accusing the Armenian Armed Forces of a provocation. According to the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan, Armenian servicemen attacked Azerbaijani outposts.

In regards to these events, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu had phone calls with his Armenian and Azerbaijani counterparts. After that, Russian Defense Ministry stated that Defense Ministers of both republics took measures to stabilize the situation at the border.

Emma Nadirian: