Categories: 2021

Armenia ready to step up cooperation with Russia, top diplomat says

TASS, Russia
Aug 31 2021
According to Ararat Mirzoyan, Yerevan’s willingness to deepen relations with Russia is "fully reflected in the program of the government that was formed following early parliamentary elections"

MOSCOW, August 31. /TASS/. Armenia is ready to deepen strategic relations with Russia, which is Yerevan’s chief military-political ally and economic partner, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan said on Tuesday at a meeting with Russia’s top diplomat Sergey Lavrov in Moscow.

"This is my first foreign trip as Armenia’s foreign minister. And this is hardly surprising. Russia is Armenia’s military-political ally and chief economic partner. In this connection, I would like to reaffirm Armenia’s willingness to continue to build its relations with Russia based on the treaty on friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance of 1997 and the declaration on allied interaction," he said.

According to Mirzoyan, Yerevan’s willingness to deepen relations with Russia is "fully reflected in the program of the government that was formed following early parliamentary elections."

In the new program of the Cabinet, the team of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan highlighted the importance of deepening strategic relations with Moscow and continuing cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO).

Mirzoyan was appointed Armenia’s new Foreign Minister on August 19. Prior to that, he was the speaker of the Armenian parliament.

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS