Categories: 2021

Canada suspends export of military goods and technology to Turkey

Dear Friends,
I would like to inform you on the Canadian Government’s decision in regard to the “suspension and valid export permits for all military goods and technology destined to Turkey.”
I am delighted that the Canadian Government took the principled decision to uphold Canadian values and principles and not be an accomplice to war crimes. As you recall in my October 13 2020 letter to the Prime Minister and during the Ontario Legislative Assembly Oct. 21 Take-a- Note debate, I urged the Prime Minister to permanently “Stop supplying Turkey with military or high-tech components.”
This is encouraging news. Our Prime Minister should press forward and bring Presidents Erdogan and Aliyev in front of the International Criminal Court as war criminals.
Please see attached the details of the decision.
Also copy of my letter and link to my Ontario Legislative Assembly speech

JPEG image

Aris Babikian Letter to the Prime Minister - signed.pdf

Jirair Kafian: