Categories: 2021

We must make decisions that will ensure Armenia’s long-term, sustainable development – Pashinyan




YEREVAN, MARCH 30, ARMENPRESS. A Security Council session chaired by Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan took place on March 30. As ARMENPRESS was informed from the Office of the Prime Minister of Armenia, Pashinyan said at the beginning of the session, ‘’As a result of the well-known developments, the security environment surrounding Armenia and Artsakh  has undergone significant transformations  and we have to continuously evaluate the new challenges that we face in this situation’’.  

Speaking about the long-lasting blockade of Armenia, PM Pashinyan noted that it has alienated Armenia from the region to some extent, and Armenia has only one land route to its strategic partner, which is greatly dependant on the weather conditions. ‘’This results in numerous challenges, including security challenge’’, Pashinyan said.

‘’In this new situation we have to assess the opportunities that can be used for eliminating the blockade of Armenia, but on the other hand we have to record that this process cannot take place at the expense of Armenia’s vital interests, but the opposite, we must be able to fully protect our interests, the interests of Artsakh, of course, being ready for some kind of cooperation. In general, opening the communications is one of the key topics we are going to discuss today. The issue of important and interesting, but has numerous nuances that we have to consider.

We must be able to make decisions that will ensure the long-term, sustainable development, and in some sense we are also responsible for the long-term and sustainable development of the region’’, Pashinyan said.

Emil Karabekian: