Categories: 2021

Concert in Yerevan to celebrate 100th birth anniversary of renowned composer Ghazaros Sarian

Panorama, Armenia

Yerevan’s Martiros Sarian House-Museum and Aram Khachaturian House-Museum will hold a concert on 9 April to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of renowned Armenian composer and educator Ghazaros (Lazar) Sarian, the son of painter Martiros Sarian.

Sarian’s chamber and instrumental compositions will be performed during the concert at the Aram Khachaturian House-Museum. The concert is held within the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Komitas State Conservatory in Yerevan.

The program features Quartet No. 1 (first performance in Yerevan), Quartet No. 2, Andante and Presto for violin and piano, Aria and Toccata for violin and piano, Sonata No. 1 for cello and piano (first performance in Yerevan), Sonata No. 2 for cello and Serenade for trumpet and piano.

The performers are:

Ars Lunga Duo: J. Vardanyan / piano, A. Talalyan / cello
Yerevan State Conservatory associate Y. Daryan / alto
Students of Chamber Ensemble Faculty of Yerevan State Conservatory
S. Ohanyan / violin
S. Lalayan / violin
M. Shahbazyan / piano
A. Petrosyan / violin
M. Machkalyan / violin
Sh. Gukasyan / piano
Kh. Andreasyan / piano
A. Papanyan / trumpet

Rose Khoyetsian: