Categories: 2020

ARF Leaders in Moscow on Working Visit

November 30,  2020

ARF Bureau president Armen Rustamyan leads a discussion during a visit to Moscow

Armenian Revolutionary Federation Bureau president Armen Rustamyan and chairman of the ARF Supreme Council of Armenia Ishkhan Saghatelyan are on a working visit to Moscow where they met with political figures.

The ARF leaders had official meeting with various factions represented in the Russian Duma, especially the vice-chair of the Duma Commission of CIS relations Konstantin Zatulin, who invited them to Moscow.

They also met with Armenian community organizational representatives among them Armenian student and youth organizations working in Russia.

In an interview with Yerkir Media’s Moscow correspondent, Rustamyan said that he and Saghatelian discussed the current situation in Armenia, including the political crisis and issues that may come as a result of the instability

Rustamyan emphasized the importance of Artsakh’s future status, saying that currently the threat of complete depopulation of Armenians from Artsakh if its status is determined to be within Azerbaijan and it becomes an enclave, losing is link to Armenia.

Rustamyan also said that there seems to be a false perspective among their Russian colleagues that the opposition efforts in Armenia are aimed at nullifying the November 9 agreement between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia.

“We understand that nullifying the agreement at this juncture means the resumption of war, which given the current circumstances in Armenia, is fraught with negative consequence,” said Rustamyan.

“We must continue assessing the agreement and work toward clarifying those issues that have been ignored by Armenia’s current leadership, which are having dangerous repercussions today, for example in the Lachin corridor, as well as along the entire eastern border of Armenia,” explained Rustamyan.

[see video]

Meline Chalian: