Categories: 2020

The Armenians of Artsakh need our help

Bucks County Courier Times
Nov 18 2020

On Sept. 27, the Caucasus region between the Caspian and Black seas witnessed the most violent military engagement in a quarter of a century. This conflict was over the region of Nagorno Karabakh, self-proclaimed as the Republic of Artsakh. Artsakh has always contained a majority indigenous Armenians and has retained semi-independence and a reputation as fierce warriors. While world leaders including the Minsk Group of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe have called for cessation of hostilities and negotiation, stronger action — especially from the world’s most powerful nation — is vital to the safety and security of the Armenian people.

To put it into perspective, the conflict over a region slightly smaller than Connecticut was born with the creation of the Soviet Union in the 1920s. At the time, even though the population was overwhelmingly Armenian (95%) and bordered Armenia, Artsakh was wrongly attached to Azerbaijan, a Soviet republic dominated by Muslim Turks.

The Armenians of Artsakh never accepted this status, yet little could be done over the next 70 years until the advent of Soviet perestroika which led to optimism for reunification with Armenia. The law of secession that allowed for the independence of republics and led to the collapse of the Soviet Union also allowed for autonomous regions within those republics to choose their own independence and the Republic of Artsakh was thus born by a democratic vote in 1991. This independence was never accepted by Azerbaijan and in response, the Azeris initiated a reign of terror and ethnic cleansing.

As Armenians defended their homes, the conflicts grew to all-out war from 1991 to 1994, when a ceasefire was signed. By then, the Armenians had gained military control of the entire region. Since the 1994 ceasefire, there have been many violations — both sides blaming the other for the violations. Yet, it is telling that the Armenian side has always accepted the call for monitoring systems at the line of contact while Azerbaijan has not.

Azerbaijan has used the years since the ceasefire to arm its military with profits from oil revenues. The recent outbreak of violence initiated by Azerbaijan was foreshadowed by military exercises conducted in August with Turkey. Allies in the region believe that Turkey is behind this latest ‘poking’ of the Russian bear.

With Turkish backing, Azerbaijan has been encouraged in its new offensive with little incentive to negotiate peacefully. The decline in oil prices has stressed the economy of Azerbaijan and President Ilham Aliyev, who has never been a torchbearer for democracy, has been targeting Armenia and the Republic of Artsakh with indiscriminate bombing and kamikaze drones.

Amnesty International recently confirmed the use of cluster bombs by Azerbaijan. “The use of cluster bombs in any circumstances is banned under international humanitarian law, so their use to attack civilian areas is particularly dangerous and will only lead to further deaths and injuries,” said Denis Krivosheev, Amnesty International’s acting Head of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. “Cluster bombs are inherently indiscriminate weapons, and their deployment in residential areas is absolutely appalling and unacceptable,” said Krivosheev.

Turkey, as a NATO signatory, has a responsibility to encourage peace and democracy. Recognizing its role in inciting the conflict, the European Court of Human Rights specifically cited Turkey in its call for all countries involved in the conflict to halt actions that place civilian lives at risk.

The United States also has a special role to play as part of the Minsk Group of the OSCE, which is spearheading the peace process. While mainstream media universally refer to Artsakh as “internationally recognized as part of Azerbaijan,” the United States should appreciate and support the right of self-determination of an oppressed indigenous Armenian population. Our own Declaration of Independence supports this right, as does international law.

The U.S. has joined other leaders of the Minsk Group in calling for a cessation of the fighting and return to the negotiating table. Armenia seems ready to talk, but Azerbaijan and Turkey have absolutely refused. A resolution has been introduced in the House of Representatives (HR 1165) condemning Azerbaijan, denouncing Turkey’s participation and calling for the return to the ceasefire agreement. Stronger action is required in the way of sanctions against Turkey and Azerbaijan and the addition of U.S. aid to the impoverished Armenians of Artsakh. Our nation has an obligation to be on the side of peace, justice, and freedom. We should not stand by while another genocide is imposed on the Armenian people.

Rep. Thomas Murt serves the 152nd Legislative district of Pennsylvania serving constituents in Upper and Lower Moreland townships, Hatboro, Bryn Athyn and parts of Upper Dublin and Northeast Philadelphia.

Andranik Taslakhchian: