Categories: 2019

Former chief of Armenia’s police Alik Sargsyan describes accusations against him “made-up composition not relating to him”

Aysor, Armenia
Sept 27 2019

Former chief of Armenia’s police Alik Sargsyan does not admit the accuisations brought against him.

“There are no accusations there, it is a composition, a made-up composition, a very long composition to dump into water the 40-year long work to make a one-minute show, to show it on TV, to discredit,” Alik Sargsyan told Aysor.am, saying that the case will end in this way and nothing else will happen.

The former chief of the police stressed that this case cannot have “the result they dream of.”

“I have no connection with anything, naturally, I do not admit the accusation and let them even not dream that I am a soft fruit to play with,” he said.

Sargsyan said he currently keeps silence and waits.

“I will wait for the further developments. I know how it will end, the people will see it too,” he said.

The former chief of the police said he was invited to the Special Investigation Service but not for interrogation.

“They summoned me and immediately involved as a defendant in the sidelines of the criminal case. They summoned me for the second time to write an explanatory for a nonsense,” Alik Sargsyan said.

He stated that he has no relation with the composition-accusation.

“It is formulated in a very beautiful way, it is a row of long articles. They took a signature on not leaving the country,” he said, adding that they have selected a wrong addressee.

“I will tell just one thing, let the people, my friends know that it has no relation to me. I am ready to everything,” he said.

The former chief of the police is charged under three articles of the criminal code – abuse of power, falsification, covering crime.

Hovik Karapetian: