Categories: 2019

Lavrov: Decisions on the Karabakh settlement should be made in direct conversation in direct negotiations between the parties

Arminfo, Armenia
Feb 18 2019
Marianna Mkrtchyan

ArmInfo. The parties must  make decisions on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.  Such an opinion on February 19 at a joint press conference with OSCE  Chairperson-in-Office, Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Minister  Miroslav Lajcak, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said  commenting on the situation around the Karabakh conflict.

The Russian minister welcomed the attitude of the OSCE  Chairman-in-Office on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh  conflict. "We are grateful for this attitude of the OSCE  chaiperson-in-office. The co- chairs from Russia, the United States  and France are working closely; they have already met with the  leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia, and with the foreign ministers.  New contacts are being prepared.  Considering that recently the new  government Of course, additional time is needed in Armenia to  understand how intensively, how deeply the settlement process can be  developed at this stage. Once again, the co-chairs and the OSCE they  can only help create conditions for dialogue. Decisions, of course,  should be made in direct conversation in direct negotiations between  the parties, "Lavrov said.

Arbi Tashjian: