Categories: 2018

Azerbaijani Press: Pashinyan admits catastrophic losses in Nakhchivan

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Dec 20 2018

By Abdul Kerimkhanov

Although eight months have passed since transfer of 11,000 hectares under the complete control of the Azerbaijani units on the Nakhchivan-Armenian border, the story continues to shake the Armenian society.

Official circles of Armenia cannot be determined with a single position on this issue. A part refutes everything, another part acknowledges serious losses, and the public does not know who to believe.

Prime Minister of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, claims the Azerbaijani army advanced before his becoming prime minister. So, Pashinyan in fact acknowledged the advancement of Azerbaijani units but does not consider himself guilty.

Indeed, the Azerbaijani army liberated the positions in the area of Nakchivan in a gradual and correct way, and the process began before the April coup. However, when Pashinyan came to power neither he nor the Armenian army could in any way counteract the changes that occurred.

At the meeting with journalists Pashinyan put an end to speculations on another topic.

As is known, after the April defeat of the Armenian army, two meetings were held with the participation of the co-chairs of the Minsk Group and the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia – in Vienna and St. Petersburg. The goal of both meetings was to persuade Baku to reject attempts to return the territories occupied by Armenia through armed means and obtain its consent to legalize and strengthen the results of the occupation by introducing certain mechanisms. Of course, it was impossible to receive agreement with Baku on these items. In the subsequent period, Yerevan stubbornly and hysterically accused Azerbaijan of violating the alleged "agreements reached".

"Gunnut operation" occurred in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic from May 20 to 27, 2018. As a result of counter-terrorism operation of the Azerbaijani army Gunnut village of Sharur region, Agbulag highway, Gyzylgaya mountain and Garagaya mountain were liberated and Arpa village of Daralayaz region fall under Azerbaijani control. As a result of the battles, the total area of 11,000 hectares was liberated. The operation allowed the Azerbaijani Armed Forces to control the Yerevan-Yekhednadzor-Gorus-Lachin-Khankendi highway.

As many as 50 km of new roads have been constructed and 50 km of useless roads have been rehabilitated. New defensive positions have been set up in the dominant heights for the tactical security of the strategically important Arpachay River.

Gunnut operation should be a signal for all Armenians. If the Armenian side does not want to suffer a defeat, which will turn into a catastrophe for it, and lose its statehood, then it should listen to the words of the President of Azerbaijan, who calls upon the world to liberate all occupied Azerbaijani lands without bloodshed and allow Azerbaijani compatriots, the true owners of their land to return home.

David Nargizian: