Categories: 2017

Ambassador: Armenia-EU relations are on the right track

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

Ambassador: Armenia-EU relations are on the right track

Yerevan May 31

David Stepanyan. The relations between Armenia and the EU are on the
right track, said the head of the EU delegation in Armenia, Ambassador
Piotr Switalski, speaking at the conference "Armenia-EU Relations and
Their Prospects" in Yerevan.

"Today we are engaged in bringing this path to a proper, final form. I
think that until November this year, during the presidency of Estonia,
Armenia will have the opportunity to connect to the Association
Agreement with the EU. I can say Armenia was the first in the
post-Soviet space then, who started a constructive dialogue with
Brussels in the direction of integration. The forthcoming approval by
the parties of the AA will undoubtedly open new ways and opportunities
for deepening the existing cooperation," the Ambassador said.

According to Switalski, today Europe is trying to realize its own role
in the development of Armenia. According to him, Brussels not only
does not pursue geopolitical goals in Armenia, the EU lacks even
selfish motives. There is only a desire to work with civil society in
the direction of Armenia's withdrawal to a democratic state. The main
goal of the ongoing work of the EU, according to him, is deep reforms
and peace in Armenia.

The head of the European diplomatic mission in Armenia noted that
Brussels does not intend to determine the priorities of cooperation
with Yerevan on its own. According to him, this work is for the
government and civil society of Armenia.

At the same time, we are by no means going to neglect the
opportunities of the "Eastern Partnership". Brussels considers the
continuation of the implementation of this program as a practical and
tangible goal. I think that the priorities mentioned in the "EP" 20
priorities fully correspond to the interests of both Armenia and the
other partner countries. Actually, Yerevan has repeatedly voiced the
intention and readiness for the all-round continuation of the
development of cooperation with the EU within the framework of this
program," summed up Switalski.

Garik Boshkezenian:
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